We list below a number of topics for which we have found some interesting websites. We include some direct links – just click on the blue underlined word or phrase. We cannot vouch for the content of other websites although all of the listed sites have been looked at a website is a dynamic thing that changes. Clearly websites belonging to established organisations such as the British Diabetic Association can be relied upon with more certainty. We do include some American websites because we feel that the content is interesting but please bear in mind that medical practice in the States is quite different in a number of areas.
As a guide we put an (R) next to the names of websites that we recommend that you visit and a (?) next to websites that are included out of interest but which may not contain wholly orthodox material.
If you have any comments or ideas for other links please contact us.
NHS Home Page The home page for the organisation.
National Electronic Library for Health Fast becoming one of the foremost sites in the world for authoritative Health Information for Patients and Healthcare Professionals alike.
NICE – The National Institute for Clinical Excellence. The official body that evaluates drugs and other treatments and advises Doctors and Health Authorities and Trusts as to which the NHS should provide.
Darlington sites
Regulatory Bodies for doctors, dentists, pharmacists, opticians, osteopaths and chiropractors
National & Local Government
Health service
Social services
General information – Look here for links that don’t come under the subject headings below
Arthritis and Rheumatic Diseases
Asthma and Allergy
Back pain
Bowel Problems
Childbirth, Pregnancy and Women’s Health
Children and families
Drug Information
Eyesight problems
First Aid and Accident Prevention
Hearing problems
Heart Disease
Learning Disabilities
Men’s Health
Mental Health Issues
Multiple Sclerosis
Parkinson’s Disease
Rare Diseases
Sexual Health and Contraception
Weight Problems and Eating Disorders
SARS – Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
Darlington sites
- Darlington Borough Council
- Darlington Social Services
- St. Theresa’s Hospice in Woodland’s Road Darlington.
- Darlington Mental Health Services
- Learning Disabilities Services
- Children’s Services
- Darlington Networld also gives information about Darlington.
- Darlingtontown.co.uk A site that is privately operated that has local weather, information and links.
- UpMyStreet Not a Darlington site but a good source of local data.
- Darlington Domestic Abuse
- Women’s Refuge
- Communigate a Job Brokering service for people currently in receipt of Health Related Benefits but who wish to return to employment in either a Part Time or Full Time capacity.
Regulatory Bodies for Doctors, Dentists, Pharmacists, Opticians, Osteopaths and Chiropractors.
- General Medical Council (GMC) For all UK doctors. Holds their registration and disciplines erring doctors and assists sick ones.
- The UKCC regulates nurses, midwives and health visitors.
- General Dental Council Similar body for the dentists.
- General Optical Council For Opticians.
- The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain regulates pharmacists.
- General Osteopathic CouncilCurrently resistering osteopaths so list is not yet complete. They have a directory or osteopaths to help you find one.
- General Chiropractic Council Registers chiropractors and maintains a geographical list.
- The Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists
National & Local Government
- Darlington Borough Council
- Social Services
- Department of health
- Department for Work & Pensions
- The Audit Commission is the official body which probes on the effective use of all public resources.
- DVLA at Swansea
Health Service
- Department of Health.
- County Durham and Darlington Acute Hospitals NHS Trust covers the old South and North Durham Acute Trusts
- Blood transfusion service
- Search the NHS site for all NHS Organisations.
- Health sites listed by Tagish A listing of local hospitals contact details.
Social Services
- Darlington Social Services This is the website of the local social services department.
- DSS – London Central government.
Miscellaneous Sites
Some link to other sites specialising in many different subjects:
- A word of caution. By their very nature these sites refer and link to sites of varying quality and authoritativeness but they can lead into interesting areas. It’s probably not necessary to say this but look critically at any content you find. Obviously we have only looked at a fraction of the links so if you find anything really interesting contact us with the URL.
- Lab Tests Online – to find out what your lab tests mean. An authoritative site run by the Association of Clinical Biochemists.(R)
- The King’s Fund -(R) carries out research and provides advice relating to the delivery of Healthcare in the NHS.
- Disability UK – a number of items of interest – not all medical by any means.
- Patient UK – (R) A good authoritative, though commercial, UK based site.
- Druf & Therapeutics Bulletin – (R) provides rigorous and independent evaluations of, and practical advice on, individual treatments and the overall management of disease for doctors, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals.
- The Surgery Door – (R) a lot of general health advice.
- Darlington Drug and Alcohol Action Team – (R)
- Healthnet – general health information but especially in relation to Heart Disease.
- Self Help UK – an index of self-help groups. Not necessarily comprehensive, but useful.
- Go Ask Alice – from Columbia University in the US. An excellent health resource.
- Doctor’s Guide to the Internet – an American site with many links – obviously a mainly US perspective so some of it may not directly relate to UK experience.This link takes you to the patient’s section.
- Healthopedia.com – an American site with a lot of good quality information.
- The doctor will see you now – an authoritative and fairly academic American site.
- Kids Health – an American site from the Nemours Foundation – a big site with Children’s, Parents and Professional sections. As with Doctor’s Guide there is a lot that’s useful but it does see things from an American point of view.
- eMedical – an Australian site. Moderately commercial but authoritative and set up by some enterprising Australian GP’s.
- REMAP – A charity specialising in the manufacture of bespoke equipment for disabled people. This equipment is provided free and is designed by engineers and made by craftsmen.
- Medical World Search Engine – If you want to see if you can find some information yourself.
- Intelihealth – from Johns Hopkins University in theUSA. This University has been at the forefront for many years in the development of Western Medicine
- Primecare – this service provides the out-of-hours doctors service used by the practice. They have a website with some useful information on it.
- Darlington Domestic violence
- Health Development Agency – Charged by Government with the task of promoting good health in the population at large.
- Current Problems newsletter from the goverment’s Medicine Control Agency and the Committee on Safety of Medicines.
- Omnisphere – Alta Vista, Hotbot, Excite, Infoseek, Lycos, Dejanews, Yahoo and Webcrawler – all these search engines on one site.
- Mayo Clinic – from the world famous Clinic – a general Health Information resource.
- GP-UK Archives – discussions that have taken place on the busiest GP mailing list in the UK since its inception in 1996. Topics include medicine, General Practice, the NHS, humour etc..
- WCRF Healthcheck – discusses lifestyle issues such as diet – especially in relation to cancer risk.
- Healthy generations – You can build your medical family tree on this site – useful if there is a health problem that affects several family members.
- Endocrine web – for glandular problems – e.g.:Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal, and Pancreas disorders, including Diabetes and Osteoporosis.
- The Healthcentre – A virtual healthcentre – a large UK site maintained by a former Yorkshire GP
- Yahoo health – Hosted by Yahoo who have the well-known search engine. Quite a lot of information but not all of it orthodox.
- Discern – How to evaluate health sites on the internet. An officially sponsored project.
- Health Central – Another American health resources site.
- CJD – monthly statistics – Keep abreast of the official figures on this condition including vCJD which is thought to be linked to BSE.
- Chief Medical Officer’s Update – Regular report from the Goverment’s top medical advisor.
- Health Protection Agency – Information on infectious diseases.
- UN AIDS Program – Information.
- Reuters Health – a commercially produced health information site with a consumers and a professional (subscription) part.
- Aventis Pasteur – This website is produced by the company that manufactures a lot of vaccines and has information about travel health and vaccination.
- Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) – “Patient’s Centre”. This is the academic body to which many GP’s belong and which is dedicated to raising the standards in General Practice and GP training.
- National Kidney Research Fund.
- They have a helpline for kidney patients and their carers on: 0845 300 1499 Or email them at [email protected]
- Dr. McNabb’s medical bookmarks – This site has an extensive list of links to sites providing both information for the professional and also the general reader.
- The Health Quality Service – provides a resource for the NHS, looking especially at quality of care issues.
- The Audit Commission – is the official body which probes on the effective use of all public resources.
- Health problems related to the Gulf War:
- The US official site – to get the Transatlantic view.
Arthritis and Rheumatic Diseases
- Arthritis and Rheumatism Research Council Tel: 01246 558 033
- Arthritis Care a self-help organisation for people with arthritis (site being developed in January 2001).
- Arthritis link produced by a rheumatologist (doctor specialising in arthritis and rheumatic diseases) about the various forms of arthritis and their treatment.
- Lupus UK A site dedicated to this serious rheumatological illness that affects many body systems.
Asthma and Allergy
- National asthma campaign (R)
- British Lung Foundation (R)
- The Asthma research unit in the Tayside Centre for General Practice, Dundee
- National Heart Lung and Blood Institute – One of the American Government’s National Institutes for Health.
- Allergy UK (was the British Allergy Foundation) – helpline for Patients
- American Academy of Allergy and Immunology An American site with some interesting information, some of it quite technical.
- National Pollen Research unit – current information about the pollen count.
Back Pain
- NHS Health Information Service. Tel: 0800 665 544
- Back.com – ergonomic advice on how to look after your back.
- Arthritis and Rheumatism Research Council Tel: 01246 558 033
Telephone nos. only (so far):
- National Backpain Association: Tel: 0181 977 5474/5
- The Organisation of Chartered Physiotherapists in Private Practice: Tel: 01702 392 124
- Arthritis Care Association: Tel: 0800 289 170 (Monday-Friday 12 noon-4pm)
- The Back Shop: (Equipment, books and videos etc. for backpain sufferers): Tel: 0171 935 9148/9120
- General Council and Register of Osteopaths: Tel: 0118 957 6585
- British Chiropractic Association: Tel: 0118 975 7557
Bereavement and Teminal Care
Terminal Care:
- St. Theresa’s Hospice – in Woodland’s Road Darlington.
- Macmillan Cancer Relief – A charity providing expert help and advice in the relief cancer symptoms and the care of Cancer patients. Many will have heard of the specialist Macmillan nurses who work in this field.
Hospices – links above – are a very useful source of information and practical help and they are not going to turn you away just because you didn’t need their services in the deceased person’s lifetime.
- Cruse is the well respected national network of self-help groups which has a branch in Darlington and where you are most likely to find someone who has the insight into your situation which only those who have had a similar experience themselves can truly have and where, as your hurt begins to heal, you may yourself be a source of comfort to others.
- Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society (SANDS) provides support for those who suffer the tragedy of losing a child before birth or in the early weeks of life.
Bowel Problems
- The Gut Trust – (R) for Irritable Bowel Syndrome: IBS Network Northern General Hospital SHEFFIELD S5 7AU
- NACC (R) – National Association for Colitis and Crohn’s Disease. An authoritative site about these two debilitating conditions.
- Cancer Research Campaign (R) has pages about Bowel Cancer amongst others.
- Cancer Index (R)- an authoritative index of websites and other information about cancer.
- National Institutes for Health. An American Government sponsored resource. Authoritative but American approaches to cancer treatment may be significantly different from those in the UK – especially in relation to experimental treatments.
- Cancer Research Campaign – This site has a lot of information about cancer research as well as many of the diseases that come under the heading of “Cancer”.
- Macmillan Cancer Relief (R) A charity providing expert help and advice in the relief cancer symptoms and the care of Cancer patients. Many will have heard of the specialist Macmillan nurses who work in this field.
- St. Theresa’s Hospice – in Woodland’s Road Darlington.
- The Prostate Cancer Charity (R) is a charity specifically set up to provide information about this increasingly common condition and the treatments available as well as stimulating further research in what has been a relatively neglected field.
Childbirth, Pregnancy and Women’s Health
- British Pregnancy Advisory Service – (Abortion services and advice on contraception and abortion) TEL. 08457 304030
- National Osteoporosis Society TEL. 01761 472721
- Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society (SANDS) TEL. 0171 436 5881
- www.womens-health.co.uk – A good quality site edited by a specialist registrar in obstetrics and gynaecology. Detailed but readable articles on numerous subjects relating to the specialty. For patients and professionals alike.
Telephone Nos:
- Maternity Alliance TEL. 0171 588 8582
- National Association for Premenstrual Syndrome (NAPS: includes advice on postnatal depression). TEL. 01732 741709
- National Childbirth Trust TEL. 0181 922 8637
- Pennell Initiative for the Health of Women in later Life TEL. 0161 275 2901
- Women’s Aid (help for women experiencing domestic violence) TEL. 0345 023468
- Miscarriage Association TEL. 01924 200799 Women’s Health TEL. 0171 251 6580
Children and Families
- Diabetes – see diabetes links
- Epilepsy – see epilepsy links
- Asthma – see asthma links
- Healthy Children – Family health page. A site mainly for professionals but some good patient information.
- Kids Health Org An American site from the Nemours Foundation – a big site with Children’s, Parents and Professional sections. As with Doctor’s Guide there is a lot that’s useful but it does see things from an American point of view.
- Kidsgrowth.com Another American site with useful information about Children’s Health matters including their development.
- Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths Also TEL. 0171 235 1721
- Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society (SANDS) TEL. 0171 436 5881
- NSPCC Also TEL. 0800 800 500
- CaF Contact a Family is a national registered charity, founded in 1979, dedicated to helping families who care for children with any disability or special need. Contact a Family helps in four ways: * by providing information about the disabilities * by putting families in touch with other families * by assisting parents to develop their own local or national support groups * by providing a voice to raise awareness and campaign for families
Telephone Numbers:
- Cystic Fibrosis Trust 0800 454482
- Enuresis (Bedwetting) Resource and Information Centre (ERIC) 0117 960 3060
- Diabetic UK – This is the association for all involved with diabetes in the UK.; patients, parents, partners, carers and diabetic professionals.
- American Diabetes Association – The American equivalent of the BDA. An authoritative source of information – but be aware that there may be some differences from UK practice.
- Diabetic Eye Disease – A site provided by the RNIB
- Children with diabetes
- Doctor’s Guide – Diabetes Information and Resources
- Endocrine web – for glandular problems – e.g.:Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal, and Pancreas disorders, including Diabetes and Osteoporosis.
- Mydiabetes.com – an American self-help site.
Drug Information
- Electronic Medicines Compendium – An extensive library of patient leaflets and official data sheets on prescription medicines
- British Epilepsy Association – We suggest that you look here first.(R)
- National Society for Epilepsy – Another authoritative British site.(R).
Eyesight Problems
Royal National Institute for the Blind (R) – homepage and guide to services.
Telephone Nos:
- Eye Care Information Service – 0171 357 7730
First Aid and Accident Prevention
Telephone Nos:
- Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents – 0121 248 2000
Hearing Problems
- Royal Association for The Deaf (R) – guide to services.
- Royal National Institute for the Deaf (R) – homepage
Heart Disease
- British Heart Foundation (R) – National Charity supporting research into heart disease as well as educational material for health professionals and the general public.
- American Heart Association – American counterpart to the BHF.
- National Heart Lung and Blood Institute – One of the American Government’s National Institutes for Health. Some authoritative information in relation to heart disease.
Learning Disabilities
- Autism – The Sunderland Research Unit (R) – A good place to start.
- Down’s Syndrome – Down’s Syndrome Assn. UK (R) http://www.downs-syndrome.org.uk/
- – Additionally:(American) http://www.nas.com/downsyn/index.html
- Mencap – (The national charity for learning disabilities): http://www.mencap.org.uk/
Men’s Health
- Impotence Association TEL. 0181 767 7791
- Prostate Help Association
- Darlington Domestic violence forum
- Testicular Self Association TEL. 01525 851313
- Meningitis Trust (R) – Good factual information (including pictures of the meningococcal rash – turn on images)
- Meningitis Research Foundation(R)
- Meningitis Trust’s website resource for teachers and students(R)
- National Meningitis Association – US(R)
- Menigitis Foundation of America(R)
- The Spencer Dayman Meningitis Laboratories
Mental Health Issues
Royal College of Psychiatrists information leaflets (R
- These cover important issues such as depression, schizophrenia, anorexia nervosa, bereavement, sleep, memory problems, anxiety, alcoholism, social phobias and manic depression. Very authoritative and very readable.
Alzheimer’s Disease
- Alzheimer’s Disease Society.(R) http://www.alzheimers.org.uk/
- Worldwide Alzheimers. http://www.alz.co.uk/
MIND – A National Charity dealing with mental health issues and with an extensive local branch structure (including a branch in Darlington) which provide practical facilities for those with mental health problems and their carers. http://www.mind.org.uk Tel. 0845 7660 163
SANE – Originally founded to deal with issues relating to schizophrenia and those with the condition this charity now has a wider interest in mental health matters. http://www.sane.org.uk/ SANE LINE – 0845 767 8000 (local rate).
DEPRESSION ALLIANCE A self-help network.http://www.depressionalliance.org Tel. 020 7633 0557
WHICH HEALTHLINE TAPE ABOUT DEPRESSION Tel. 0645 245 089 (Local Rate within the UK)
- Migraine Disability Information centre – a commercial site but lots of good links.
Multiple Sclerosis
Parkinson’s Disease
- The Parkinson’s Disease Society of the UK.
Rare Diseases
- National Institutes for Health. An American Government resource has information on a number of rare diseases.
- Endocrine web – for glandular problems – e.g.:Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal, and Pancreas disorders, including Diabetes and Osteoporosis.
- CaF Contact a Family is a national registered charity, founded in 1979, dedicated to helping families who care for children with any disability or special need. Contact a Family helps in four ways: by providing information about the disabilities, by putting families in touch with other families, by assisting parents to develop their own local or national support groups, by providing a voice to raise awareness and campaign for familie.
Sexual Health and Contraception
- Family Planning Association (R). A lot of information about contraception and sexual health on this site.Also Tel.: 0171 837 4044
- Issue (National Fertility Association). Also Tel.: 01922 722888
- National AIDS Helpline (R). Also Tel.: 0800 567 123
- Terence Higgins Trust Also Tel.: 0171 242 1010
- London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard Also Tel.: 0171 837 7324
- Wear Body Positive is fairly local site (Sunderland) run by a self-help group and which deals mainly with issues relating to HIV infection.
Telephone Nos:
- Brook Advisory Centres (Advice for young people on contraception and pregnancy). Tel.: 0171 713 9000
- Contraception Education Service (CES) (Advice on all sexual health matters). Tel.: 0171 837 4044
- Darlington Memorial Hospital Genito-Urinary Medicine (Sexual Diseases) Clinic Tel.: 01325 743203 (Direct Line)
Telephone Nos:
- Psoriasis Association – 01604 711129
- National Society for Research into Allergies – 01455 851546
- British Allergy Foundation – 0181 303 8525
- ASH – Action on Smoking and Health. The Authoritative campaigning site with a lot of information.
- Quitsmoking – the self-help site with chat rooms etc.
- Smoking Links – numerous links on this page.
- The UK Stroke Association(R)
- The National Stroke Association American.
- Stroke survivors. A personal site set up by the survivor of an uncommon type of stroke, cerebellar stroke. There is a personal story, some useful information (of which a lot applies to all strokes)and a fairly extensive table of links.
- Think about Drink Deals with the issues around alcohol.
- Healthy eating links.
- Quitsmoking A self-help site with a lot of information, chat rooms etc.
- Acne Support Group
- Family Planning Association A lot of information about contraception and sexual health on this site.vAlso Tel.: 0171 837 4044
- Wired for Health – a government sposored site specifically providing health education material for young people and schools.
- Adolescent Problems A leaflet from the Royal College of Psychiatrists on the anxieties and worries that occur at this stage in life when things change so fast.
- Teengrowth.com. An American site with a lot of authoritative health related information for teenagers – including sex, drugs and acne.
- Department of Health travel information.(R)
- World Health Organisation. (R)
- CDC Atlanta Georgia travel health information with an American flavour but authoritative(R)
- The Foreign Office Travel Advice Page. More to do with practical and political problems – but then bullets are a health hazard! (R)
- British Airways Travel Clinics No you don’t have to be travelling by B A and we’re not biased as to which airline you use but they are an excellent and authoritative resource. The nearest one to Darlington is at the University Medical Centre in Newcastle/Tyne. Tel. No.: 0191 230 3721.
- Aventis Pasteur. This website is produced by the company that manufactures a lot of vaccines and has information about travel health and vaccination.
- CIA. Yes the CIA have a website. They have an extensive amount of economic and political data on every country in the world but it’s not necessarily totally up to date.
- http://www.oratory.com/travel. An American site but some useful travel tips
- Travel Health Online: Another American site with a commercial flavour but seems quite authoritative.
- http://www.tmvc.com.au/info10.html.Australian. Certainly worth looking at if you’re going to the Southern Hemisphere.
- http://www.chu-rouen.fr/cap/svhomeng.html A French site based in Rouen. You go to a home page in English – all the pages are in both languages if you want to try out your French. A bit dry and academic, in contrast to the American sites.
- Mapquest is a database containing maps of varying scales right down to street maps. Extensive coverage including Europe and North America.
Weight Problems and Eating Disorders
- Weight Watchers (UK) Hardly need any introduction.
- wvda.org is a site which has many links to sources of information about nutrition.
- Anorexia and Bulimia – information from the Royal College of Psychiatrists (R)
Sars – Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
- Department of Health CDC Atlanta Georgia
- World Health Organisation
- The Guardian Newspaper – UK
- BBC website sarswatch.org A ‘weblog’ that is tracking the progress of the epidemic.