Order Repeat Medication

Please note that we have upgraded our online prescriptions service. Please ask at Reception for your SystmOnline user ID and password. Repeat prescriptions can  be ordered in the following ways:

  1. Email  via: nencicb-tv.prescriptionswhinfieldmedicalpractice@nhs.net
  2. Online  – SystmOnline (Available 24 hours a day via mobile app, tablet or PC).
  3. In person using your prescription slip.
  4. Via Post

If you supply a stamped and addressed envelope we can post the prescription back to you. Otherwise the prescription must be collected – allow TWO FULL WORKING DAYS. If the collector is not the patient or a parent (in the case of a child) then we will require written authorisation.

If you would like your prescription to go directly to your preferred pharmacy, please ask  at the surgery or your preferred pharmacy for more details of this new service. 

 If you do not require all the items authorised for you please make this clear. If any items are not likely to be needed again please tell us – the doctor may wish to discuss this with you however. If you think you may be experiencing side-effects then you must discuss this with a practice nurse or a doctor.

The only items that will automatically be represcribed on request are those items on your reorder slip against which it is stated that you have unused repeats. If it says that you need to see the GP on the reorder slip then please make an appointment with the doctor (in the case of blood pressure, cholesterol or diabetic medication where your condition is stable then a nurse’s appointment is usually sufficient and she can arrange the necessary checks.) If you’ve seen the doctor or nurse recently please enquire at reception.

It may be that we can reauthorise your repeat without seeing you though it may be further stabilisation of your condition is necessary. If the item is not on repeat but you’ve had it previously as a repeat or a “one-off” prescription we may be able to prescribe it but it may take longer than 48 hours to authorise. The doctor may ask to see you however.

In the case of medication that you’ve never had from us before you should make an appointment.Please note that most drugs we prescribe by the generic name and not by the trade name. With many drugs the chemist may supply the medication in a manufacturers branded packet which often has the brand name printed prominently on it. Please do not use that name when ordering. The proper name will be on the reorder slip and on the chemist’s own label. Incidentally, a drug may exist as several different brands and unfortunately the appearance of the drug may change – sometimes a mixture of brands may be supplied against one prescription. If in doubt check the chemist’s label but if you remain concerned that a mistake has been made check with the chemist who has supplied you – unfortunately we are not in a position to sort out this problem for you.

Order your prescriptions here: