Meet the Team

Our Doctors


Dr Richard A G Harker

GP Partner

MBCh B (1980 Liverpool) MRCGP DRCOG DA Dip Therapeutics Dip Occ Med Special interests: Palliative Care Therapeutics, Occupational Medicine, Performance Assessment and Management.

Dr Harker qualified from Liverpool University in 1980, having previously studied law at Durham before ‘seeing the light’ He has been a partner at Whinfield Medical Practice since 1985.  He works three days a week in general practice, the remainder of the week being spent between being clinical quality lead for the CCG and working for the GMC as a performance assessor/medio-legal expert. He has an interest in musculo-skeletal conditions and occupational health.  Outside of general practice he tries, not always successfully, to repair classic cars, and keep track of his daughter who travels the world seeing whales, dolphins and turtles!

Dr Louise Russell

GP Partner

MBCHB (2002 Birmingham) MRCGP, DCH, DRCOG, DFFP, Dip Palliative Care

I have been a qualified GP since 2006 having studied in Birmingham before returning home to the North East to complete GP training. I have worked in varying practices across the North East until moving to Darlington in 2016. I am proud to be a single mum of 3 kids who take up all of my spare time and are the reason I work 3 days a week in the practice, spending the rest of my time being a mum. I love running when I get the time, and we have recently taken up karate as a family and are all thrilled to have our yellow belts! I am a quite relaxed and chatty GP, enjoy being a “family” doctor with the continuity over people lives and understanding the whole family dynamics. My special interests are with safeguarding especially domestic violence, women’s/children’s health and I am passionate about celebrating neurodiversity and championing patient-led care. I qualified as a GP trainer in 2020 which involves supervising registrars – fully qualified doctors who are training to be GPs- so you will often find me working alongside a trainee ensuring you get excellent care whichever of us you see.

Dr Helen Mcleish

GP Partner

MBCHB (2002 Birmingham) MRCGP, DCH, DRCOG, DFFP, Dip Palliative Care

I graduated from University College and Middlesex School of Medicine in London in 1995, I did my general practice training on the Cleveland scheme and my GP rotations at Whinfield Medical Practice. I liked it so much that I came back in 2002 as a partner. I have a special interest in End of Life medicine and Palliative Care. I am also the prescribing lead for the practice and as such attend regular prescribing meetings with GPs from the other Darlington practices. I am on the executive committee of Darlington Primary Care Network, which all the practices in Darlington are part of, working to improve the health of the whole population registered at out member practices including tackling health inequalities, improving screening for cardio vascular disease and cancer, and helping to increase resilience in primary care by working together in new ways to manage rising demand. I organises the 5th year medical student teaching within the practice. the 5th year students are in the practice for a 3 week block in the autumn term. I have 2 daughters who are growing up too fast, and 3 cats.

Dr Laila Alali


Salaried Doctors

Dr Elizabeth Carlton

Salaried GP

MBBS (1994 Newcastle) DRCOG DFFP MRCGP

Dr Karina Pang

Salaried GP

Dr Jennifer Tevendale

Salaried GP

Dr David Evans

Salaried GP

You may see any of the above doctors by making an appointment. For the sake of continuity of care we ask that you try to see your ‘usual doctor’ where possible.

Nursing Staff

Advanced Nurse Practitioners

Amy Drinkall

Advanced Nurse Practitioner 

Hayley  Burke

Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Paul Dillon

Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Nursing Team

Anna Pearson

RGN, Lead Practice Nurse

Independent Nurse Prescriber.

Loz Greenwood


Hayley Smith

Practice Nurse

Tracey Shaw

Practice Nurse 

Susan Goddard

Practice Nurse

Emma Metcalfe

Practice Nurse

Practice nurses are available between 8:00 am and 5:30 pm daily by appointment for dressings, ECG’s, cervical smears,  immunisations, health checks, advice and counselling. Blood tests need to be taken usually before the hospital collection – at approx. 4:00 pm. The nurses also have Health Care Assistants to support  them in providing these services.


Megan White


Practice Team

Management Team

Jane Lincoln

Practice Manager

Jane is responsible for the day-to-day running of the practice. She welcomes any comments or suggestions and may be contacted if you have a problem or a complaint you would like to discuss. We have a full complement of administrative staff to support the doctors and nurses to help provide you with a first class service.

Practice Administration Team


Lisa, Jennifer, Clare, Michelle, Charlotte, Andrew, Ghislaine, Evan, Stacey, Leanne, Amanda & Lyn


Kevina, Nikki

Administrative Assistant



Practice Pharmacist


Pharmacy Technician


Finance Officer

Healthcare Team

Karen Mosely

Healthcare Assistant

Jade Johnson

Healthcare Assistant