We run the following special clinics for our own patients only – appointments are required:
- Travel Appointments: Provides advice re immunisations, medication and general travel health precautions.
Clinics to which you must be referred by your own doctor:
- Ante-natal Clinic Midwife run clinic with one of our GP’s on hand. New patients must have a positive pregnancy test (either hospital, pharmacy or home test) and must please advise the reception staff that they are a new patient. If your circumstances are not straightforward then please book into a normal surgery – preferably with your own GP.
- Asthma Clinic This clinic is primarily for newly diagnosed asthmatics or those having problems. Run by the practice nurse and a GP.
- Diabetic Managment All the diabetic patients in the practice are offered an annual review check to monitor the effectiveness of therapy and to check for the development of complications. Patients should attend the nurse for blood tests and their optician for a free routine eye check at least two weeks before their clinic appointment.
- Counselling Run by qualified and experienced counsellors.
- Minor Surgery Your doctor will advise you if one of the many minor surgical procedures available in this clinic are appropriate for your condition. .